When my children attended American Heritage School in American Fork, Utah, they would adventure out on at least one field trip to Holdman Studios. We’re lucky enough to live down the street from Thanksgiving Point where the Holdman Studios manufacturing magic happens. In our area custom stained glass is gorgeous and you can bet most of it originated at Holdman studios.
The Roots of Knowledge exhibit at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah has one of the most impressive displays of stained glass artistry in the world and, you guessed it, it’s a Holdman Studios production. you can take a virtual tour and watch a video about this impressive display HERE: https://www.uvu.edu/rootsofknowledge/about/index.php
If you make the trip to visit in person, schedule some serious time to study the panels. You’ll find actual “fossils, gemstones, ancient coins, computer chips, a war medal, and even a shard of the Berlin Wall.” Plus, be prepared to laugh at a lot of hidden Easter eggs, such as a Tardis (Dr. Who), a toilet, and a Superman.
I dipped into Canva ai to see if they could hold a candle to Holdman studios, and, predictably, they cannot. But I liked the tree enough to play with it a little and share it with you today. I see one low branch on the right that has morphed into a mountain peak and I would have made the corners of the squares more resolutely butterfly wings.

Download this stained glass Tree of Life image HERE.
My Aunt JoAnn has a stained glass hobby and that has me thinking about how you’d make it. I’m sure they start with an image, create outlines, and make pattern pieces; much like sewing but sharper.

I just wanted to make sure that you knew about this gem of a studio. There really is not much in our modern world that can hold a candle to their work. It is absolutely stellar and I’m glad they call Utah home. Visit HoldmanStudios.Com to learn more.
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