This Ugly Monster Clipart Set is, actually, ugly. Maybe that’s why I’ve taken so much time to release it. I like the magic marker pastel scribble stripe background well enough. In fact, it’s adorable… but ugh, those monster colors…not my favorite combo. I think it’s the shade of yellow trying to blend that has me turning puce with eye twitches. But if you like ugly monster clipart in shades of baby pastel with big, goobery eyes, sloppy fangs, lumbering limbs, and weird smiles (…and okay, one might call those dots pustules…), well this little set is right up your alley, isn’t it? I mean, this mini kit screams “Scrap Me” to your sweet baby Halloween pics…. Okay, no. I can’t see it. If that does happen shoot me a message on Facebook. I actually want to see that.

Download this ugly little mini kit HERE.

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