Suede Stars Digi Scrapbook Paper Pack

Granny oldie? How old? Well, pretty old. This was back when I was playing with Photoshop Elements at the very beginning. Actually, I’m kind of proud of these backgrounds. Texture ✓. Color ✓. Those stars blending with some dimension on the star background ✓. I mean, I literally had no idea how to design back then and somehow I did it anyway. If you’re feeling like something is impossible, just keep stepping forward. Learn, learn, learn. I was thrilled with giving away freebies. I still am. But back then it really served me well. Highlighting the magnificent work of other designers really gave me an eye for useful digi scrap that serves me well now.

Vintage backgrounds in digital format for Christmas

In Google Docs/Drive choose File and Download.
Find the rest of this kit HERE:

A-185 Blue Stars Digital Scrapbook Paper Pack

Wow, these are old papers. We’re talking 2011-12 old. I’m not doctoring up old files, just moving them. Enjoy this winter digital scrapbook paper pack. Check out the FREEBIES directories for more goodies.



A-185 Blue Stars Digital Scrapbook Kit

Wow, what an oldie!!!  I bet this is over a decade old. I still love the blue with the pale yellow stars. Even though it’s a snowman kit, t’s so friendly for baby boy scrapbook pages.
This kit comes in 3 parts:


A-187 Oldie Blue Stars Digital Scrapbook Paper Pack

 Just updating oldies for easier access. Enjoy the zip or pick them up individually. There is something just right about a blue star on tan.


Or pick them up individually:
We used this paper pack to create this kit,
along with ScrapGraphics.Com Freebies and the below brad.
Tools I used where Adobe Photoshop 10 for arranging
and Adobe Illustrator for text wrapping.
Photo Credit:
To acquire this brad, Left click to enlarge and right click to “Save Image As…”
This 2012 digital paper pack used to be packaged with this preview:
Right? Why was the polka dot not in the pack??

Free Faith In God Digi Scrapbook Elements

 This is from way way back in the day when I’d enter a scrapbook challenge. I was always sad when the color swatch was garish. Now that I’m old I realize nothing is too garish if there is white between it. In fact, white saves a whole lot of things. This is not my favorite but we will keep it up because somebody will be searching for it. Chicken wire clipart is more popular than it should be.

This element pack is not zipped.

The acquire an image: Right click to enlarge and then left click to “…Save Image As.”

Related Freebies:

“Aged Tan Dots” PNG Free Scrapbook Alphabet Letters

Importing a super oldie! Wow. So sorry. This alphabet clipart is Not zipped.

My sister-in-law and I were pregnant at the same time with boys. Wow!  Instant friend. They shared slobber, rattles, bugs, bruises, and now they share high fives and talk in a language I’m still trying to decipher. Here’s an alphabet created from my 70’s striped pants collection. I’m in love with it. It makes me think of Antique shopping with my father. Holly, from Holly’s Hobby’s photography, has encouraged me to have more boy designs. Whelp, here’s a start. The whole alphabet is available below.


To acquire an individual letter, left click to enlarge and right click to “Save image as…”
Did I tell you our frog jumped out of his cage through a tiny hole?  I found him dead and dehydrated in the empty bathtub.  The above PNG frog is in loving memory of Ol’ Cricket Breath.